About me

I will fight for our communities. Birmingham rightly has a great sense of civic pride, but we can’t afford more of the same. Under the Tories, more than 40p in the pound has been cut for every person in Birmingham - that’s over £600 per person. Hoped-for investment in Northfield hasn’t been delivered.

Northfield needs a strong voice in Parliament. I know how to get things done. As a trade unionist, I’ve fought for and helped win better pay for thousands of key workers. I successfully campaigned to get the law changed to double sentences for sexual assaults against police officers, ambulance workers and firefighters.

I will be a locally-based MP and restore a full constituency service. I would run a fully-staffed constituency office and regular surgeries. I have family ties across south Birmingham - my mum was born in Sparkhill - and I want my daughter to grow up here. I will always speak up for constituency issues in Parliament and fight for investment in our communities.

I will stand up for better public services. I was a state school SEND kid who struggled at school, but because of the support I received I later got to Oxford, where my young family currently lives. I know what it feels like to experience serious violent crime. I will always fight for the better services that Northfield needs.