Campaign launch




June 3, 2024

Fighting for every vote

It was great to launch Labour’s campaign for Northfield.

I spoke to Labour members about why we need a change in Northfield and a change in government.

All the communities in Northfield need a strong, campaigning voice in the constituency and in Parliament. I want my daughter to grow up here, and I will make sure that Northfield gets a full constituency office service again.

Our services have been run down, but under the Tories 40p in the pound has been cut for each person in Birmingham. Leveling up money for Northfield high street was denied, and improved transport services for Longbridge have stalled.

We also have two fantastic council candidates - Carmel Corrigan and Esther Rai - in King’s Norton North and Northfield.

Labour is working hard to get Northfield’s future back, and to win people’s trust and support in the elections on 04 July.